okay every one says they are going to lose weight every years around jan 1st!
well i am too. i kind of started last week by cutting sodas and trying to exercise everyday. i am mostly doing this due to the fact i have a ton of clothes that i could fit in two years ago. Right b4 me & J got back together i weighted about 145 and i was happy with my self. more energy and i thought i looked good when i went out.
I also started this Sacred Heart Diet which mostly consist of veggy soup & fruits.
I made the soup it taste like normal southern food to me. but i still seem to be hungry. Which i decided a long time ago i eat when i am bored and that seems to happen a lot. I haven't gained much weight after i had lily. Maybe 4 lbs after i dropped 25 right after she was born. But i feel like crap and am always tired. I have been drinking water for 2 weeks so far. i can tell it in my skin a little and boy does it make you have to go potty! lol
I am trying to eat at certain times of the day so i don't over eat but i may break any minute i am starving as i sit here and soup doesn't seem like breakfast food to me.
I joined this web site called
it says i should weigh 120lbs by jan 25th of next year. lmao! Thats to funny! But i am going to try this out for a few weeks & do the soup thing this week. To bad i do have a scale right now. I guess i will look for one later.
gotta run! i will update this time next week!