
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

days pass me by..........

Man I feel so bad about something i do ever single month! Always on the 12th, i will say "Lily is going to be XYZ months soon, I need to remember to take pictures." Well then around the 16th i say...."Crap when was the 14th i forgot!" then I have to search through my phone and camera and looks for pictures of that day, needless to say i have some from that day this month but I still forgot what day it was.... So the pictures are horrible.
But she like her hair up now, so i have some cute ones from the 13th,to bad they are from my phone so not too clear but i will post anyways.
Guess thats all for now.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

snow then spring?

A little over a week ago we had snow, this weekend we set our clocks forward??? Am i the only one confused by this? my whole week has been off, right after having a good week last week, i am so sleepy now and Alyssa was late for school Monday. The weather says it is currently 75* so guess we will take a trip to the park today, then post spring pictures, lol.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


k looks like this may be a weekly thing, so this week lets see what has happened so far....


k looks like this may be a weekly thing, so this week.... lets see what has happened so far.... On last Friday the direct tv man was supposed to come but cancel due to tornadoes, the next day it was sunny but a lil chilly, on Sunday it SNOWED! That never happens around here(i will add a few pictures with this post), then the next few days i was running around like a crazy person to prepare for company around here, and guess what they are not coming..... i could have figured.. As far as the crzy weather here it was 70* and i had on flip flops! Alabama is so strange!