Tuesday, December 21, 2010
I survived the first day of Winter Break!... Not really
Fast forward 10 or so years. I was really looking forward to winter break mostly the sleeping in part, bc heck I stay in jams all day anyway. Well for some stupid reason the whole state got out of school last Friday, but not us. This year may kids where expected to go to school today but, uhh we didn't. After cleaning up one kids room we where all exhausted. So as always I woke up on the couch at 2 am then moved to the bed and overslept. Well for some crazy reason today started out okay until the kids dad/the man I married(ineedanameforhim) went to work. Then all hell broke loose, the baby who was happily playing in his walker started crying, the phone rang, I was stuck in a laundry pile so I couldn't find the phone. Kids started fighting over the tv. I gave up. So me and baby boy went to play in his room. Then my mother called she made a little sense until she started repeating herself. So that ended in a hang up call. After the dust settled with that I went to feed baby boy in the kitchen. Next thing I knew yelling started back within 5 minutes baby food went everywhere and I stepped on glass and had to take a shower, all 5 of us were crying. So currently my house looks like MTVs spring break. I have a cut on my foot, ears are ringing, head hurts,cans are everywhere,panties in the bathroom floor, clothes & hangers on den the floor, dishes all over the house I don't know if I will sleep tonight and if so whose bed/couch it will be on. This is only day 1 with 14 more to go! All alone no MIL, gma or ex to send them off to. Save me!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Oh Christmas Tree!
Note the cute little one in the pic, not the mess under the tree which are stickers his sister decided to stick on everything. Our other two trees are a white tree with colorful lights and glittery things and a vintage aluminum tree with a color wheel and blue bulbs. They are both just as nice, I am just way to lazy to find pictures of them. But for more Christmas Tree fun check out
Someone Please press pause
1. Have a popcorn and Pjs day! Dig out all your old holiday movies keep your jams on and be lazy!
2. Bake cookies with the record player(or ipod) turned up! Memories of moms or dads yummy Christmas cookies will never fade.
3. Email Santa. You can print out his response as a keepsake then spend hours on the site finding more fun things to do.
4. Make a gingerbread house. (I know you can make ginger bread on your own but the pre-made kits save a little time. They are around 9 bucks at Michaels and every week they have a new coupon for 40 to 50% off one item.)
5. Take a car ride! Take the whole family for a ride around your neighborhood and look at all the pretty homes at night.
6. Have an arts and crafts day; make popsicle stick reindeer ornaments, felt mice or just cut a few trees from construction paper and let everyone decorate their own tree with glitter and sequins or crayons and stickers for the less messy version.
7. Have a cleaning party! Yes we all have heard our kids cry and say they hate our parties but encourage everyone to look through their toy boxes and closets for things they have grown out of. Then call your local church or shelter and give them to a family in need of them. (Those boxes on the side of the road never make it anywhere without rain or being picked over.) Plus Santa can't bring toys if you have nowhere to put them.
8.Check out your local parade or school/church event. I have missed most of those this year but husby has taken the kids they always have so much fun.
That is as much as I can think of for now but please feel free to add your ideas in the comments!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Moms letter to Santa
Dear Santa ,
Happy Christmas! I hope you have gotten plenty of rest this year. My name is Mom & I am too old to remember how old I really am. You probably don't remember me, as not many people do. I know this has been a hard year on everyone so I wont ask for much but when I was 5 I asked for an awesome purple bike when i ran down stairs there it was. When I was 10 I just wanted my dad safe and back from Panama, he was home by spring. Many years later I asked for a baby or a bunny, by next Christmas I was expecting. So I guess I still believe in something.
This year I want a few odd items that cannot be made in your workshop but maybe someone is out there listening. I would really love a day alone just to sleep past 7, take a shower with out 8 interruptions and dry my hair one day out of the year. I guess I would also add to that a night alone to go to a movie and dinner with my husband would be great. We never see each other if we do we are usually complaining about what someone else did that day. I am also not sure when the last time I had a hot meal with out cleaning up a spilled milk or getting up for another clean fork. I would also love a necklace like this for myself I never ask for gift for myself and if I do it always end up being a kitchen appliance or a dish of some sort. I would also love this awesome phone I saw on Southern plate's facebook page. I also dig her cook book
Lyssa wants a pair of Uggs
Pacey needs a new bed,
Lily wants everything she sees,
Jude is very easy to please--
so give it your best guess.
I hope that's not to much to ask for have a safe trip.
PS: Hope you don't get sick from the brownies this year. (I will bake them this time)
Monday, November 29, 2010
Back at blogger...
Happy Cyber Monday I am glad to say I didn't buy anything today! But if I did I would be these really cute shirts at Amy Adele.com today they have free shipping on 20$ or more and a you can use the code SAVEBIG for 35% off which is a heck of a deal. They have tons of other items like invitations and stationary on their site. I picked two shirts out I may purchase this afternoon.
Baby Legs has a deal with 3 pair of leg warmers for 10$ with not shipping. I did get these on Friday. I only have one pair but they are awesome and make crawling and diaper changing easy!
That's all for today maybe I can get this page up and running correctly soon.
Thanks for the visit.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Waisting money with coupons.
Yes am wasting time blogging about this but my LO is taking a nap and older ones are in school. I happily saved over 60 bucks at a Toys r Us recently and got tons of free items with coupons but after trying to find the best prices and printing coupons out I gave me more of a headache. I guess if I lived near a retail store that had good couponing policies I would save more. But the gas waste isn't worth my trip to use a one day only coupon or etc. I also feel I end up buying things I don't really need or use, my prior rule was if the store brand was cheaper then the item after coupon then I don't need it. But trying to buy 25$ in items just to get a free item or RR is starting to look like a waste and don't get me started on our local paper, it is $2.50 on Sundays and has jack crap in it. But I am going to keep it up for a month and try to only print coupons I will use I will post it all at the end of the month. I really do not see how the coupon bloggers have time for it all. A big Thank you to them. Whenever my days get long enough to do the dishes,wash laundry, take care of my Lo and the other 1,000 things I have to do in a day ,I will open up to trying to save more.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Losing $$ with coupons...
Yes am wasting time blogging about this but my LO is taking a nap and older ones are in school. I happily saved over 60 bucks at a Toys r Us recently and got tons of free items with coupons but after trying to find the best prices and printing coupons out I gave me more of a headache. I guess if I lived near a retail store that had good couponing policies I would save more. But the gas waste isn't worth my trip to use a one day only coupon or etc. I also feel I end up buying things I don't really need or use, my prior rule was if the store brand was cheaper then the item after coupon then I don't need it. But trying to buy 25$ in items just to get a free item or RR is starting to look like a waste and don't get me started on our local paper, it is $2.50 on Sundays and has jack crap in it. But I am going to keep it up for a month and try to only print coupons I will use I will post it all at the end of the month. I really do not see how the coupon bloggers have time for it all. A big Thank you to them. Whenever my days get long enough to do the dishes,wash laundry, take care of my Lo and the other 1,000 things I have to do in a day ,I will open up to trying to save more.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
October,6month check up and pumpkins!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
How the heck!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Busy Bees

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, uhh.... Tuesday
Lets update; Well i decided to put Lily in a pageant. Not one of those crazy toddlers and tiara types, but one done by our county chamber. It is the weekend and I am still failing on a dress. I am also quite worried ab those crazy pageant moms. i gotta run but will try to update on everyone later.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Feels like fall..
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Feeling Blog-ish...
Okay we have this thing and never use it so I shall start today. For all of you I will explain what this is and how and why I am going to do it.
"What is a blog?"
courtesy of wikipedia
A blog (a portmanteau of the term "web log")[1] is a type of website or part of a website. Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.
"But why?"
Because I personally hate talking on the phone and suck at emails and responding to facebook messages and half of you don't even know how to use facebook.
"How does this work?"
I will post short entries about what we have done or are doing this week, some entries will include photos, so I can update all of you who never see us or always ask for pictures of the kids and ect. I will most likely do this once a week. You can also leave comments on the post so i don't have 1,000 emails to respond to later.
That's all I have for now I will post a intro entry when ever I have the time.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Aug 14 2010
Lily has done pretty well with everyone going back to school, the first day or so she ran up and hugged them like that had been gone years, but after that we got back into a routine.
Jude sat up this past week, he had a little help but was pretty steady.
A few pics from this week.......
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Who am I? Lets just say GossipMom for now.
What is this page? GossipMom.info is a Mom based blog about events that effect mothers, children, and caregivers a real life approach to parenting, gossip that is not meant to hurt anyone but yet open your eyes to things that maybe right or wrong. I will never name any names if and event that occurs needs names to understand than they will be addressed as M (mother) C (child) and so forth.
Why are you here? To read, related, have a laugh and maybe even come back a few times.
Who am I? Lets just say GossipMom for now.
What is this page? GossipMom.info is a Mom based blog about events that effect mothers, children, and caregivers a real life approach to parenting, gossip that is not meant to hurt anyone but yet open your eyes to things that maybe right or wrong. I will never name any names if and event that occurs needs names to understand than they will be addressed as M (mother) C (child) and so forth.
Why are you here? To read, related, have a laugh and maybe even come back a few times.
4 months old and new blogs!
New blogs, well DH set up a few new domains a full family blog, his personal page and a gossip mom one for me. I am a tad excited if I can get started on them. I better start while Lil is asleep!