
Thursday, February 22, 2007


Good weather and paid the down payment on the new house!!!!


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Days left.....

80 days if the dr does a c-sec on the set date.......
73 days if my feeling is right......
That's it.... someone better hurry and do something.....


Someone help me do something!!!!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


This kid kicks more than the other two ever did! I swear!

Monday, February 19, 2007


Yay! (kinda) Alright we got aproved for a home loan, we went and got a
bedding set for the baby (still no crib though) and a new swing for
So now we gotta pick out a house and get it set up, turn the power &
water on. Oh and get all the shit from the old house still.
So maybe by April we wil have everything ready for him/her.

Last poll I swear!!!


Thursday, February 15, 2007

Mine & Alyssas name convo.....

Well I figured I would throw some names @ my 6 year old and see what she
liked as her new lil sis/bro name. So I threw a few names @ her and she
told me ones she liked (no idea where she got them from, lol) so I
figured I would share the list.
I said...
<font color="magenta">"Rory" </font>
She said,<font color="cyan">"giggle , like Roar like a lion?"</font>
<font color="magenta">"Laney?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"like lane? like a road?"</font>
<font color="magenta">"Peace?"</font><font color="cyan">"like Peace
out?"</font><font color="magenta">"Patiencs??"</font><font
color="cyan">"like ...Be Patient??"</font>
So you was running out of names..... and getting kinda sleepy so I gave
her the last few and asked what names she liked.....
<font color="magenta">"Jackson??"</font>
<font color="cyan">"yuk... i have a Jackson in my class and he is mean!"
</font><font color="magenta">"Rose?"</font><font color="cyan">"Rose??
like a flower? I like Rose. Can my name be Rose??"</font><font
color="magenta">"Jacolby??"</font><font color="cyan">"Jacolby is cool i
have never heard that name b4."</font><font
color="magenta">"Evie-Rae?"</font><font color="cyan">"thats
Then I asked what would she name that baby??
<font color="cyan">"I Like Rose , I would call her Rosie. Can I be
I Like Colby too, and Paige, Paige is my
Friend. I want my name to be Paige *I was gonna name her Paige*</font>
<font color="magenta">"so did u like any of my names??"</font><font
color="cyan">" like Evie-Rae Rose and Jacolby Rock , thats what I would
name it! And not Jackson!" "Yuk! Don't name it Jackson mommy Please!"

Lol* So that is the most of our convo & I learned that if you want
honest play ground speak,then ask a 6 year old what they think when they
hear a name. You will be sure to hear it all!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I hate the 14th of this month!

And all other made up holidays.....

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


If my prediction is right then that only leaves 82 days..... which is
only 11 weeks and 5 days , which is very soon. If the Dr. Has to take
this baby out that means it will be done in like 89 days.... which is
still hella soon. I dunno what I am going to do.....

new way to pass time.....

Thursday, February 8, 2007

94 days....

That is all that is left. Just 94 days.....

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Wanna start making bets.....

I am gonna ahead and place mine.....
7 lbs 5 oz or (reverse that)
4:46 am
K that's it

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Thursday, February 1, 2007


K I found out my sister is having a boy in march and naming him Asher. I
have no clue what I am having and no clue what its name is gonna be.
Someone help me!