
Monday, September 22, 2008

happy fall!

I love fall! it is so nice outside today! But i wish i was moving..... blah!
anyways i found a awsome vintage baby stroller this weekend! Lookie!

Monday, September 15, 2008

i suck!

now i realize i am afraid to move! I strongly dislike change. I am scared to death to move.... the was i first "home" I don't want to leave it now, as much as i hate it.....

Thursday, September 11, 2008

okay i am pissed!!

Why in the hell am I the only one who ever does anything??? I have 4 days to move out of this house, yet I have nowhere else to live! i feel like crap bc i told a lady we where going to buy her house & now she is holding it and we have not called her back! hmmmm wonder why.... Bc lynz has done all she can it is someones else turn to get off their ass and do something. Ha but that will nave happen, guess i will be blogging from the homeless shelter next time.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

why am i so sleepy????

K i think i have the fever again.... baby fever that is. I know we cannot afford it, but gosh I want 1 more before i get much older. I can not sto[p going to baby name i keep doing polls on name because i want this one to be done completely right. so I am going to take the time to make a list of things to do before i have another baby.

1. get a new house, preferably the one on Eastern Vally road.
2. Potty train Lily
3. Buy a bigger car.
4. Sell the civic.
5. Go to a real football game.
6. go to New Orleans.
7. Have a real beach trip & birthday party.
8. go to Tennessee for Christmas.
9. buy a cocker spaniel & pug puppy.

K guess that's about it, now maybe my fever will go away for a while.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

almost my b-day!

Hey jut wanted to update a bit. Well all the kids are great, Lou starts 2nd grade soon. Pace is so ready to go to school, i hate that he cannot go yet, but he can write his name by himself now! Lillian has gotten so BIG! But still not walking yet, she loves to dance, i think she tries sing also. I hate that they grow up so fast!
Well i have lost a little over 20lbs, but i think i want it back! Guess i better get going now, night.

Monday, July 7, 2008

weight up date!

blah! it sucks, gained like 6 and slowly losing it again! 2 more to go

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


things seem to be better, i still want a vacation though. i think i am getting kinda bored, maybe it is just the summer time. I dunno. it looks like everyone i know is having a baby this year. i am always a year ahead on everything! guess thats it for now.....

Monday, May 26, 2008

can i run away???

Please???? am i ever gonna be happy? In one way i wanna be left alone, in the other, i want to have more than i got..... everyone one i know is moving to a new place, going on cruises or having babies..... I am just sitting on my ass alone @ home....... sucks.................... :-(

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


btw i have lost 18.5 lbs, like anyone cares

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


This losing weight thing sucks! no one is here to help me do it, walk with me or anything, i was doing okay for a while, i seem to have lost about 10 lbs, in about 3 weeks of actually trying. but other than that it sucks! our scale is a POS and never says the same thing twice! I have like 6 weeks to lose at lest 18 more lbs. it better get done before i give up! well gotta run.


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

time to lose that baby weight!

okay every one says they are going to lose weight every years around jan 1st!
well i am too. i kind of started last week by cutting sodas and trying to exercise everyday. i am mostly doing this due to the fact i have a ton of clothes that i could fit in two years ago. Right b4 me & J got back together i weighted about 145 and i was happy with my self. more energy and i thought i looked good when i went out.
I also started this Sacred Heart Diet which mostly consist of veggy soup & fruits.
I made the soup it taste like normal southern food to me. but i still seem to be hungry. Which i decided a long time ago i eat when i am bored and that seems to happen a lot. I haven't gained much weight after i had lily. Maybe 4 lbs after i dropped 25 right after she was born. But i feel like crap and am always tired. I have been drinking water for 2 weeks so far. i can tell it in my skin a little and boy does it make you have to go potty! lol
I am trying to eat at certain times of the day so i don't over eat but i may break any minute i am starving as i sit here and soup doesn't seem like breakfast food to me.
I joined this web site called it says i should weigh 120lbs by jan 25th of next year. lmao! Thats to funny! But i am going to try this out for a few weeks & do the soup thing this week. To bad i do have a scale right now. I guess i will look for one later.

gotta run! i will update this time next week!